Our personal health history is too valuable to be harvested by the tech giants
Health data paints a rich picture of our lives. Even if you…
New Education Policy and challenges
It is very clear that shortly new Education Policy will be implemented…
Cannabis Misinformation Spreading On Social Media
The actual "medical advice" presented on social media about cannabis often ignores…
Sports on TV: Feb. 6-7, 2020
Sports on TV Today MEN'S COLLEGE BASKETBALL • Harvard at Yale, 4…
NCERT Recruitment 2020: 13 Vacancies Notified, Apply for Editor, Business Manager and Other Posts
NCERT Recruitment 2020: National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) is…
UK urged to regulate how tech giants like Facebook and Google target you with content
The U.K. should regulate internet platforms like Facebook and Google over their use of online targeting…
Learning to love pre-owned clothing
My fondness for pre-owned fashion goes back decades. Apparently, in picking through…
Nordstrom launches used clothing business
Nordstrom is getting into the second-hand clothes business. The luxury department store…
Connecting With Students To Connect Them To Their Education
I have stood behind bars talking to men about their lives —…
Baseball Tries To Boost Its Social Media Efforts
With Spring Training just weeks away, Major League Baseball is preparing for…