5 things to do if you’re feeling neglected
Feeling neglected or lonely in a relationship can be a painful -…
‘Why I quit smoking’: 7 triggers that made people stop and how it changed their life
As anyone who's tried to quit smoking will tell you, kicking the…
10 unusual things you could be allergic to
Sniffles, sneezing, runny nose—if this sounds like you every spring, you're far…
10 things you need to stop hiding from your doctor
here are many reasons why people visit their GPs – some extremely…
11 ways to prepare for an upcoming oscopy
If you have an impending colonoscopy or endoscopy coming up, whether it's…
6 women share what it’s actually like on being on antidepressants
Last week, a major study was published which concluded that, yes, antidepressants…
3 things you need to know about endometriosis and fertility
Endometriosis is a common and long-term condition which affects roughly one in 10…
Stomach issues? Here’s what your abdominal pains could mean
A simple stomach ache can signal several types of health problems. Whether…
‘Why I quit smoking’: 7 triggers that made people stop and how it changed their life
As anyone who's tried to quit smoking will tell you, kicking the…
FDA Approves AI Device to Spot Diabetic Eye Disease
Artificial intelligence software that can detect diabetes-related damage to the retina --…