I’ve been contemplating starting a blog or website online so that I can publish reviews and news about video games, technology, and other gadgets. The problem with this is that there are already so many sites out there doing this already, I feel like I’m going to get lost in the ether.
Although I have a tremendous passion for these topics and the ways in which technology can improve our lives, I also think that the current websites are all trying to make money from sponsored reviews, which results in poorly written and biased opinions on products that actually do not benefit anyone. I was employed by a high-street phone retailer, one of the major UK networks, for more than ten years.
There were times when we earned extra commission for selling particular handsets to customers because the manufacturer paid the company to push the handset. This resulted in staff members raving about the phone and declaring that it was the best phone for the customer, despite the fact that better models with better specifications were available for less money. This then also lead to unhappy customers due to the fact that these handsets were poorly made and had such poor internals that overall they were just s glorified feature phone… basically like a Nokia 3310 with a touch screen, only this one broke easy, had poor battery life and actually barely was able to make a call!
I don’t want to be that person any more, I want to write honest reviews about the products I use, and be very honest about the products in question… even if the product had been given to me directly by a manufacturer to test.
Anyway, back to my worry about being lost in the vast sea of gadget sites, where do I begin to create a site and how do I make it stand out?
I could use a lot of websites to get started; which one is the best? How do these websites pop up from nowhere and seem to have years of content already? Where do they get their information/products from?
So many questions… only time will tell if I can make it successful.