Teen social media harm stems from bullying
A UK study has found that teenagers aged between 13 and 16…
NCERT Regional Institute of Education to be set up in AP
The Vice President of India, M Venkaiah Naidu has advised the Ministry…
Kate Upton Poses in Unretouched Photos to Call BS on Weight Loss Culture
Kate Upton is calling BS on the toxic but all-too-common notion that…
Education key to safe sharps disposal practices
HOUSTON — People with diabetes threw out sharps safely when they were…
Extreme gains: how the sports supplement industry bulked up
The most common used sports supplements are protein powder or protein shakes.…
6 Successful Social Media Tactics Used by Major Financial Brands
Social media network users reached 2.77 billion in 2019 and are projected…
How a Dentist Used Social Media to Reach 7 Figures in Revenue
In this interview at ClickFunnels’ annual Funnel Hacking Live conference, Entrepreneur Network partner…
Could music festivals be good for your health?
Millions of people around the world go to music festivals each year.…
Mixer’s clothing guidelines are very concerned about cleavage
Yesterday, Ninja announced that he was leaving Twitch to stream exclusively on Mixer, putting…
Challenging the Social Media Moral Panic: Preserving Free Expression under Hypertransparency
Social media are now widely criticized after enjoying a long period of…