CBSE Class 12 Exam 2018: Three Steps To Score Good Marks In Computer Science Exam
“All you need to do is, bring a ray of Positivity — I can do it, I will do it. Surely you can easily achieve the target of scoring 90 and above in this subject,” said Ms Kaur.
Ms Kaur wants you to start your study with a chapter which you enjoy studying so that it may bring an energy in you to tackle more difficult and complex topics.
CBSE Class 12 Computer Science exam will be held on March 23, 2018.
Ms Kaur Suggested these three steps to score good marks in CBSE Class 12 Computer Science exam:
Step 1: Plan your study as per weightage of chapters
Start with volume 2, where chapters are simpler and will help boost up your morale, and then go on to volume 1 (programming).
1. Networking- 10 marks
Learn all abbreviations, role of networking devices, layouts on the basis of topologies, Internet and security.
2. Boolean Algebra- 8 Marks
Learn functioning of all the Basic and derived Gates, Learn all Boolean theorems, practice writing SOP and POS Boolean expression, simplification of K-Map, and Truth Table.
3. Database and SQL- 8 marks
Learn all terms related to RDBMS, framing queries using SELECT, ORDER BY , GROUP By, EQUI JOIN
4. Data Structures-14 marks
1D array, 2D array, Base address calculation, Operation on Stack and Queue
5. Data File Handling- 6 marks
Operation of text file, reading and updating information from a binary file, understanding file pointers
6. OOP concepts- 12 Marks
Accessing members in Inheritance ( multilevel, multiple, Hierarchal), Calculation of bytes, order of invocation of constructors, Classes and Constructors
7. Revision of Class XI- 12 marks
Call by reference and value, Strings and pointers, random function, Type conversions, Scope, header files and inbuilt functions etc.
Step 2: Revision
There is a gap of 1 day between Maths exam and CS. So prepare notes, flashcards and flowcharts for revising formulas, theorem, and definitions of important terms.
Highlight and keep notes of the mistakes which you have done in Pre board tests and practice exams, so that they remain in top of your mind and you do not repeat them in the actual exam.
Do not merely read a program. Practice by writing programs. By writing a program, the students can easily recall the steps of the program and understand its logic. You read it, you forget; you write it, you retain.
Practice sample papers and previous year unsolved papers to understand the pattern of the exam. Get it checked from a subject expert. It will help you understand your weaker areas.
Pay attention to minute areas of syntax rules of programming. A single misplaced punctuation mark can reduce your score!
Try to cover each chapter. If you find a chapter difficult, do not leave it. Ask it from your teacher and discuss it with your friends. Good understanding of each chapter will help you score good marks.
Do not only mug up definitions and answers but also understand what they mean so that you can handle application based questions.
Practice well on Output Based Questions. Students tend to make a lot of mistakes in this area.
Step 3: Points to be taken care of during examination
Utilise your 15 minute of paper reading time judiciously. Identify the questions which you know well. Attempt these questions first leaving more complex and time consuming questions for the last.
Understand the questions well, so that you know what exactly is being asked. Give precise and to the point answer. Writing extra or beating about the bush may waste your time and may also result in negative marking.
Give proper space between the answers. Be neat and highlight the important points by underlining them with a black pen.
Do not burn midnight lamp a night prior to the exam. Take proper sleep so that you feel fresh and energetic in the exam hall. Keep yourself calm and confident in the exam hall. Your hard work will definitely take you to the roads of success.
Best of luck!